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What is disability cover?
Do I need disability cover?
When will a disability policy pay out?
How much lump sum disability cover do I need?
Will I pay tax on disability benefits?
Test your knowledge on disability insurance with our quiz
Test your knowledge on disability insurance with our quiz
Test your knowledge on disability insurance with our quiz
1. Which is true. A lump sum disability insurance policy will only pay a benefit if:
Your disability prevents you from working.
Your disability is declared permanent.
Some part of your body is physically impaired.
You can’t do your own or a similar job.
2. The best reason to choose lump sum disability cover is:
So you can get a big sum of money that you can spend as you wish.
You should not trust a life assurer to pay an ongoing benefit.
If you have a disability you are unlikely to live a long life.
If you need to pay off debt and provide for once-off expenses you incur on disability or once-off needs such as a child’s tertiary education.
3. Which statement is true. If you have disability cover will most likely qualify for a disability benefit if:
Your employer decides you can no longer do your job.
You can’t walk.
You lose your hearing.
You are paralysed.
4. If you are young and healthy, your most valuable asset is:
Your future earnings
Your car
Your cellphone
Your retirement savings