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Funeral Cover
What is funeral cover?
Where can I buy funeral cover?
Do I need funeral cover?
How many family members will be covered by my funeral policy?
What waiting periods apply to my funeral cover?
How long is funeral cover in place?
How many times can you skip a premium on a funeral cover policy?
What does funeral cover cost?
Test your knowledge on funeral insurance with our quiz
Test your knowledge on funeral insurance with our quiz
Test your knowledge on funeral insurance with our quiz
1. Which statement is true?
Funeral insurers won’t sell you a policy if you have an existing health condition.
Funeral insurance is usually sold as fully underwritten cover, which means you have to answer questions and have medical tests.
Funeral insurance is usually sold with very little underwriting, which means few questions and typically no medical tests.
You typically have to have medical tests before you can get funeral insurance.
2. Waiting periods on funeral cover are typically:
Dependent on the condition from which you died.
Anything from six to 12 months for any death.
Anything from six to 12 months for natural deaths.
Up to 24 months for natural deaths.
3. Is it important to get funeral cover that covers as many family members as possible?
Yes, this gives you value for your money in premiums paid.
No, this will increase the cost of the cover and you should only take it if you need to cover funeral costs for an extended family.
Yes, it is unfair if insurers restrict the number of family members covered.
Yes, funeral providers who do not offer cover for more than 20 family members are uncompetitive.
4. Choose the most accurate statement: Funeral insurance pays out a benefit quickly:
Equal to the actual cost of a funeral.
As a cash benefit that you can use on any expenses you like after a death in your family.
That covers the cost of a coffin, service and tombstone.
In cash your family can live on for a few months after your death.