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Getting to retirement
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At retirement
What are my choices at retirement?
What tax will I pay when I retire?
What kinds of annuities (pension) can I buy when I retire?
What are the different kinds of guaranteed (life) annuities?
Which underlying investments are best for a living annuity?
How much should I draw as a pension from a living annuity?
What are the risks when drawing retirement income from investments?
Should I use both a guaranteed annuity and a living annuity?
What do I need to know about hybrid annuities?
Test your knowledge on being in retirement with our quiz
Test your knowledge on being in retirement with our quiz
Test your knowledge about being in retirement with our quiz
1. The retirement age in South Africa is:
Not defined
60 for women and 65 for men
60 for every one
65 for every one
2. Which is correct: At retirement you are entitled to withdraw tax free from your savings:
R247 500 less any lump sums taken on resignation or retirement before
R500 000 less any lump sums taken on resignation or retirement before
R25 000 less any lump sums taken on resignation or retirement before
27.5% of your savings
3. Which is correct? A guaranteed annuity:
Pays you an income for a guaranteed period only
Pays you an income with guaranteed increases for life
Pays you a guaranteed income for life with or without annual depending on you choice
Allows you to draw an income depending on whether your investments deliver on guarantees
4. Which is incorrect? A living annuity provides a pension by allowing you to:
Invest in the underlying investments as you see fit
Invest in the underlying investments as long as they comply with regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act. 87
Draw an income of between 2.5% and 17.5% of the value of your capital in the living annuity
Adjust your income drawdown annually as long as it is within the allowed limits