Failing to pay a debt leads to the start of the debt collection process. Several laws, including the National Credit Act, and the Debt Collectors Act outline the rights and responsibilities of both debtors and debt collectors. This ensures that you are treated fairly and an ethical process is followed.
If you default on a debt, a number of steps will take place:
The creditor, or the debt collector authorised by the creditor, can report the debt to the credit bureaux, which will impact on your credit score.
There are no educational requirements to become a debt collector, but there are some requirements in terms of the Debt Collectors Act. To register as a debt collector, applicants must: Be at least 18 years old; Not have been found guilty of an offence involving violence, dishonesty, extortion, or intimidation in the previous 10 years or found guilty of improper conduct while operating as a debt collector; Be of sound mind; and Not be an unrehabilitated insolvent. |
All third-party debt collectors must be registered with the Council for Debt Collectors. They must also adhere to the Code of Conduct which was adopted by the Council for Debt Collectors when the Debt Collectors Act was promulgated.
Attorneys who collect debts are registered with the Legal Practice Council, but they voluntarily register with the Council for Debt Collectors so that they can charge a fee for their services, which is regulated. Only registered debt collectors may charge fees.
If a company collects their own debts, the internal debt collector does not need to register with the Council for Debt Collectors. They also cannot charge debt collection costs as set out in Annexure B of the Debt Collector’s Act.
All registered debt collectors have to adhere to the Code of Conduct. This means that they must always be just, fair, and honest while respecting the confidentiality of your information. Any debtor’s information they provide to a creditor or credit bureau must be truthful and verifiable.
They are also prohibited from humiliating or threatening you and are not allowed to:
If they contravene this code, you have the right to complain.
Complaints must be submitted in writing and under oath to the Council for Debt Collectors. Click here for contact details.
Third party debt collectors may recoup certain debt collection costs, which are strictly regulated and set out in an annexure to the regulations under the Debt Collectors Act. Tracing fees and transport costs cannot be charged, and costs must not exceed the capital amount owed or R1 023, whichever is less.
In addition, R82 can be charged if the debtor is dissatisfied with the charges and the case is referred to the magistrates court for recalculation of the costs. A cost of 10% of each instalment received can also be charged, with a maximum of R509 per instalment.
Third party debt collectors are also paid a fee for their services, and this is agreed upon by both the creditor and the debt collector. It is usually a percentage of the amount they collect, and it is paid by the creditor. This is not regulated by the Council for Debt Collectors and is a contractual agreement between the parties.